M-phase promoting factors from eggs of Xenopus laevis.

  • 1 January 1985
    • journal article
    • Vol. 43, 335-47
When an M-phase promoting factor (MPF) is injected into Xenopus oocytes, which are naturally arrested at the G2/prophase boundary, it induces rapid entry of the cells into M-phase. MPF is present in late G2 and in M-phase of a variety of cell types, such as Xenopus eggs (naturally arrested in M), cleaving embryos, yeast, HeLa, and CHO cultures. MPF has been purified approximately 50-fold from eggs. It is stabilized by gamma-thio-ATP and by phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibitors. It runs as a protein of approximately 100 kd size on gel filtration. Oocytes contain a precursor of MPF, which is activated by post-translational means when a small amount of purified MPF is injected into the cell. Thus, MPF appears to be an auto-activating cytoplasmic trigger of M-phase. At anaphase of the cell cycle, MPF is inactivated due to the appearance of an 'anti-MPF' activity. Monoclonal antibodies have been prepared to partially purified MPF stabilized by gamma-thio-ATP, and several preparations which inactivate MPF were obtained. The antibodies are directed against thio-phosphate groups carried by a set of proteins including MPF. This indicates that MPF is present in our active preparations as a thio-phosphoprotein. These and other data suggest that MPF is normally activated in the cell cycle by a phosphorylation reaction.