The Planar Ultrawideband Modular Antenna (PUMA) Array

A fully planar ultrawideband phased array with wide scan and low cross-polarization performance is introduced. The array is based on Munk's implementation of the current sheet concept, but it employs a novel feeding scheme for the tightly coupled horizontal dipoles that enables simple PCB fabrication. This feeding eliminates the need for “cable organizers” and external baluns, and when combined with dual-offset dual-polarized lattice arrangements the array can be implemented in a modular, tile-based fashion. Simple physical explanations and circuit models are derived to explain the array's operation and guide the design process. The theory and insights are subsequently used to design an exemplary dual-polarized infinite array with 5:1 bandwidth and VSWR <; 2.1 at broadside, and cross-polarization ≈ -15 dB out to θ = 45° in the D- plane.

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