Dipole interactions among polar defects: A self-consistent theory with application to OHimpurities in KCl

We consider a set of dipole impurities randomly distributed in a nonpolar medium where the only interaction between the impurities is the dipole-dipole interaction. The dipoles are assumed to be oriented in the six equivalent (1,0,0) directions found experimentally to exist when OH impurities are dissolved in KC1 crystals. Effects arising from tunneling between the six equivalent directions are neglected. We set up the expression for the random molecular electric field vector E at a particular impurity site and derive self-consistently the probability distribution of E for all temperatures and (sufficiently low) impurity concentrations. The thermodynamic properties of the system are then obtained by integrating the thermodynamic variable of a single dipole in a fixed vector field E over the distribution of all fields. Evaluating the thermodynamic properties arising from the dipole-dipole interaction we show that the dielectric susceptibility scales with the ratio of the temperature T to the impurity concentation c. Similarly the specific heat per impurity scales with Tc. Even though the experimentally measured T32c12 dependence of the specific heat is consistent with our "scaling" requirements, indicating that the dipole-dipole interaction is involved in the excess low-temperature specific heat, our theory gives that the specific heat is linear in T and independent of c for very low temperatures. Thus, the dipole-dipole interaction alone, using a molecular-field approximation, does not explain the experimentally observed low-T specific heat. A detailed study of the temperature dependence, the concentration dependence, and the scaling properties of the specific heat and the dielectric susceptibility are discussed and compared with experiment.