Carcinoma of Jejunum in Intestinal Polyposis with Oral and Digital Melanosis

Peutz apparently was the first to call attention to the curious association of intestinal polyposis with melanin pigmentation of the lips, oral mucosa, and skin of the digits. Jeghers and co-workers found 12 proved and 9 possible cases in the literature, to which they added 10 of their own. Since then, additional cases have been recorded, especially recently, suggesting that the disease is either becoming commoner or is being more frequently recognized. Strangely enough, the occurrence of carcinoma in the polypoid lesions of the bowel has not been especially emphasized in the cases reported. The case herein reported is typical of the syndrome. It is reported not only to add to the recorded number of these cases but also to emphasize the potential malignancy of the polypoid mucosa. Also included are some reflections on the care of these unfortunate persons. REPORT OF A CASE E. H. K., a 23-year-old white