The Effect of Acth and Cortisone on the Sodium and Potassium Levels of Human Saliva

ACTH and cortisone have been shown to influence the Na and K levels of blood and urine in patients with adrenal cortical insufficiency. To determine whether a similar effect was seen in the saliva, ACTH and cortisone were injd. intramusc. into 2 and 3 patients, respectively, with acute rheumatoid arthritis. Samples of resting and stimulated saliva collected at 8:00 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. from each patient before, during and after treatment with ACTH or cortisone were treated for Na and K by the flame photometer. Repeated intramusc. injn, of pituitary ACTH or cortisone was followed by a decrease in salivary Na. K was unchanged. The K content greatly exceeded the Na content in the samples of saliva before, during and after treatment with either ACTH or cortisone acetate. In every patient the K content of the saliva exceeded the normal blood serum or plasma value for this element. In contrast, the blood Na content in each patient was approx. 3 to 15 times as great as the Na concn. of the saliva.

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