Prevalence of resistance to β-lactam antibiotics in Escherichia coli isolated from blood from 1969–1991

MICs of β-lactam antibiotics were determined for blood culture isolates of Escherichia coli from patients in St. Thomas' Hospital, London between 1969 and 1991. There was correlation between MICs of carbenicillin and those of amoxycillin (Kendall's coefficient of rank correlation, τ = 0·67), mezlocillin (τ = 0·73), cephaloridine (τ = 0·64) and amoxycillin/clavulanic and (τ = 0·72), but less correlation between MICs of carbenicillin and cefuroxime (τ = 0·31). During the two decades, the geometric mean MICs increased for carbenicillin (6·6-fold increase in mean MIC), mezlocillin (3·4-fold increase in mean MIC), cephaloridine (two-fold increase in mean MIC) and, to a smaller extent, amoxycillin/clavulanic acid (1·2-fold increase in mean MIC), but not for cefuroxime. These changes were the result of increases in the proportion of isolates that were resistant to carbenicillin and not of changes in the phenotype of carbenicillin-resistant isolates.