Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity Related to Product: A Meta-analysis of the Studies Published Between 1990–2010

Although the relationship between motivation (especially intrinsic motivation) and creativity (especially as a product), no meta-analyses have been conducted on the relationship between these 2 concepts. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity related to product (i.e., creative outcomes) through meta-analytical procedures. Fifteen papers were analysed, including 26 independent samples (N = 6,435 participants). The results revealed a significant positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity related to product ( = .30, 95% CI = [.22, .37]). The homogeneity tests indicated that this relationship was influenced by some moderators such as type of research design. Cross-sectional studies report a significantly stronger association between the two concepts compared to those that used a causality-oriented design; t(24) = 4.86, p = .001. Also, there were no significant differences between students and employees samples regarding this relationship; t(24) = .45, p = .66. These results have implications for settings where creativity related to product is essential. Based on the limits of this study, several research directions on the topic of motivation and creativity are presented.