Multimodal Face Recognition: Combination of Geometry with Physiological Information

It is becoming increasingly important to be able to credential and identify authorized personnel at key points of entry. Such identity management systems commonly employ biometric identifiers. In this paper, we present a novel multimodal facial recognition approach that employs data from both visible spectrum and thermal infrared sensors. Data from multiple cameras is used to construct a three-dimensional mesh representing the face and a facial thermal texture map. An annotated face model with explicit two-dimensional parameterization (UV) is then fitted to this data to construct: 1) a three-channel UV deformation image encoding geometry, and 2) a one-channel UV vasculature image encoding facial vasculature. Recognition is accomplished by comparing: 1) the parametric deformation images, 2) the parametric vasculature images, and 3) the visible spectrum texture maps. The novelty of our work lies in the use of deformation images and physiological information as means for comparison. We have performed extensive tests on the Face Recognition Grand Challenge v1.0 dataset and on our own multimodal database with very encouraging results.

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