Towards Cognitive Robots: Building Hierarchical Task Representations of Manipulations from Human Demonstration

—This paper,deals with building up a knowledge base of manipulation,tasks by extracting relevant knowledge from,demonstrations,of manipulation,problems. Hereby the focus of the paper,is on modeling,and,representing,manip- ulation tasks enabling,the system,to reason,and,reorganize the gathered knowledge in terms of reusability, scalability and,explainability of learned skills and,tasks. The goal is to compare,the newly acquired,skill or task with already existing task knowledge,and,decide,whether,to add,a new,task rep- resentation or to expand,the existing representation,with an alternative. Furthermore, a constraint for the representation is that at execution,time the built knowledge,base,can,be integrated and,used in a symbolic,planner. Index Terms—Modeling of Manipulation Tasks, Program-

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