Esophageal cryptococcosis in a patient with the hyperimmunoglobulin E-recurrent infection (Job's) syndrome.

  • 1 July 1984
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 87 (1), 201-3
Patients with the hyperimmunoglobulin E-recurrent infection (Job's) syndrome, which is characterized by an elevated immunoglobulin E level, recurrent staphylococcal infections, and an abnormality of neutrophil chemotaxis, have been reported to have visceral Candida infections in addition to their more frequent pyogenic infections. We report a patient with Job's syndrome who presented with massive hematemesis secondary to esophageal cryptococcosis. A thorough evaluation for an occult neoplasm or extraesophageal cryptococcosis was negative. The patient received a 6-wk course of amphotericin B (970 mg) and 5-fluorocytosine with complete radiographic and endoscopic resolution of the lesion. He is doing well 18 mo after therapy. The patient was not anergic, and his response to T-cell mitogens, helper-to-suppressor T-cell ratio, total number of T cells, and immunoglobulin-producing capability were all normal. This case is unusual in that it is the first documentation of a cryptococcoma of the esophagus and underscores the importance of culturing abnormal specimens for unsuspected pathogens in unusual clinical circumstances.