Since in gauge theories eigenstates of weak interactions are in general not mass eigenstates, we would not expect flavor conservation. In particular this should also hold for the leptonic flavors: muon numbers and electron numbers, etc. The apparent conservation of muon number in the standard V  A theory should be interpreted as reflecting the fact that neutrino masses (if not identically zero) are almost degenerate when viewed on the normal mass scale. In theories containing V + A currents, the right-handed muon and electrons are expected to couple to intermixing heavy leptons in the GeV range. In such theories muon-number-violation effects will be dramatically larger. However, when constructing new models of leptons one should be mindful that flavor-changing neutral-current processes such as μeγ and μeee¯ are suppressed experimentally. This indicates the need for a "leptonic Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani cancellation mechanism." We have proposed a way to incorporate these features in an SU2 × U1 gauge theory. Basically it involves the addition to the standard Weinberg-Salam theory of right-handed doublets with the electron and muon coupled to orthogonal "heavy neutrinos." This leads to an electronic neutral current which is purely vector and its attendant suppression of parity-violation effects in high-Z atoms. Muon-number-nonconservation effects involving only familiar particles are higher-order weak processes and are naturally of the order GF2. In this paper we give details of our calculations of μeγ, μeee¯, KLeμ¯, Kπ eμ, and μe conversion in a nucleus, etc. In order to have a "natural" theory, we have incorporated recent suggestions made by Bjorken, Lane, and Weinberg about the Higgs structure for such a model. This modification increases the rate for μeγ by a factor of 25 but does not materially affect other processes. For a heavy-lepton mass-difference and mixing-angle combination of sinφcosφ[m(N1)2m(N2)2]1 GeV2, the branching ratio for μeγ is 4 × 1010, that for μeee¯ is around 1011; the μe conversion rate can be as large as 109 when compared to the ordinary muon capture in the nucleus. If there is a heavy quark b coupled to the u quark through the