Sialylated, fucosylated ligands for L-selectin expressed on leukocytes mediate tethering and rolling adhesions in physiologic flow conditions.

Interaction of leukocytes in flow with adherent leukocytes may contribute to their accumulation at sites of inflammation. Using L-selectin immobilized in a flow chamber, a model system that mimics presentation of L-selectin by adherent leukocytes, we characterize ligands for L-selectin on leukocytes and show that they mediate tethering and rolling in shear flow. We demonstrate the presence of L-selectin ligands on granulocytes, monocytes, and myeloid and lymphoid cell lines, and not on peripheral blood T lymphocytes. These ligands are calcium dependent, sensitive to protease and neuraminidase, and structurally distinct from previously described ligands for L-selectin on high endothelial venules (HEV). Differential sensitivity to O-sialo-glycoprotease provides evidence for ligand activity on both mucin-like and nonmucin-like structures. Transfection with fucosyltransferase induces expression of functional L-selectin ligands on both a lymphoid cell line and a nonhematopoietic cell line. L-selectin presented on adherent cells is also capable of supporting tethering and rolling interactions in physiologic shear flow. L-selectin ligands on leukocytes may be important in promoting leukocyte-leukocyte and subsequent leukocyte endothelial interactions in vivo, thereby enhancing leukocyte localization at sites of inflammation.