Functional α4-integrin: A newly identified pathway of neutrophil recruitment in critically ill septic patients

Using a novel flow chamber assay system and whole blood, we show that leukocytes from septic individuals have a four-fold elevation of adhesion, but not rolling, on a P-selectin/β2-integrin substrate. Most leukocytes from septic patients (but not healthy controls) that bound vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) were neutrophils. All adhesion was inhibited with an antibody specific for the VCAM-1 ligand α4-integrin. The α4-integrin was present on neutrophils from septic patients but not on neutrophils from patients with localized bacterial infections. The plasma milieu of septic patients was sufficient to induce neutrophils from healthy subjects to bind VCAM-1 under flow conditions. This is the first description of α4-integrin/VCAM-1 pathway of neutrophil recruitment in human disease. This pathway may provide a new therapeutic target to reduce inappropriate neutrophil adhesion without altering the normal yet critical β2-integrin–mediated adhesive function of neutrophils.