Migration of mineral hydrocarbons into foods. 2. Polystyrene, ABS, and waxed paperboard containers for dairy products

Migration of mineral hydrocarbons into dairy products and sunflower oil (fatty food simulant) has been studied using a gas chromatographic procedure. The food contact materials examined were polystyrene and ABS pots and tubs, and waxed paperboard. Levels of mineral oil in the polystyrene and ABS articles ranged from 0.3 to 5.5% w/w (13 to 366 mg/dm2) and as a coating on the paperboard ranged from 1.0 to 7.7% (55 to 565 mg/dm2). Exposure conditions were 7 days at 4°C for the dairy products and 10 days at 40°C for the oil. However, individual serving milk and creams (UHT) were retail samples which were stored at ambient temperature before analysis. Migration into the milk products was less than 3 mg/kg. Transfer to sunflower oil simulant and into individual serving milk products was much higher at levels up to 150 mg/kg (2 mg/dm2) and 90 mg/kg (4 mg/dm2) for the oil and milk respectively.

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