Opportunity or threat? General practitioner perceptions of pharmacist prescribing

Objective In recent years prescribing rights have been extended beyond doctors and dentists in the UK, first to nurses and subsequently to pharmacists. The aim of the study was to explore general practitioner (GP) perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of pharmacist supplementary prescribing and the future introduction of independent prescribing. Method A qualitative study was conducted with GPs from three practices, in each of which a pharmacist prescriber was regularly working. Key findings The prescribing pharmacists, all of whom were already working in the practice when they qualified as prescribers, had negotiated new areas of work. Not all GPs in the practices referred patients to the prescribing pharmacists. Those GPs who did refer patients generally described benefits from the service, with some ambivalence. There was evidence that the GPs had, to some extent, redefined their professional boundaries, and delegated some routine work which involved no diagnosis and only limited decision making. In this way the GPs exercised control over the interprofessional boundaries. Conclusion The study findings indicate selective acceptance of pharmacist prescribing by GPs.