Percutaneous Cytodiagnosis of Carcinoma of the Pancreas and Bile Duct

Fifty-one percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsies guided by selective angiography and 57 by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) were performed in 88 patients. Fifty-two of the patients had a tumor localized to the pancreas and 19 a tumor of the extrahepatic biliary tract. In 17 patients the suspicion of neoplasia was possible to rule out. In 60% of the patients with pancreatic carcinoma and in 53% of the patients with biliary duct carcinoma correct cytological diagnosis was obtained. No false positive results were found. The diagnostic reliability was the same under guidance of angiography as PTC. The experience of the examiner markedly influenced the accuracy of the method. Exact correlation between the cytologic and histologic reports was found in cases where representative material was obtained at the aspiration. None of the 108 punctions was followed by complications. Since the method is harmless and has a high success rate especially in experienced hands it is an important adjunct to the management of pancreatic and bile duct lesions.