Audiogenic seizures in curarized mice.

Interference with somatosensory feedback from convulsive movements may lessen the severity of audiogenic seizures in susceptible rodents. Mice were partially immobilized with tubocurarine chloride to attenuate convulsive movements and somatosensory input associated with such movements. In experiment 1, seizures of mice injected with 0.15 mg/kg were evaluated behaviorally and compared with seizures of saline-injected littermates. The likelihood of clonic-tonic seizures in curarized mice was as high as that of control mice, although convulsive movements were somewhat less violent and seizure fatalities were markedly reduced. In experiment 2, seizures of mice given 0.25 mg/kg were evaluated by EEG and records were compared with those of controls. Despite the near absence of behavioral signs of convulsions, EEG of curarized mice showed that audiogenic seizures readily occurred. Audiogenic seizures are apparently centrally programmed and do not require feedback from convulsive movements. However, it may be possible to disrupt the central program by introducing appropriate somatosensory input not normally encountered during audiogenic seizures.