Fourth supplement to “A revised list of plant diseases recorded in New Zealand”, 1957–1958

In this Fourth Supplement (to NZ. Dep. sci. industr. Res. Bull, 101) are listed 95 diseases on 114 host plants. It includes new records, additional host records, and diseases recorded in publications since the preparation of the Third Supplement (Brien and Dingley 1957). New records include Alternaria dianthicola on Dianthus caryophyllus and Fusarium bulbigenum var. batatas on Ipomoea batatas, while additional host records contain Phytophthora cinnamomi on a number of host plants and Puccinia iridis on nine species of Iris. Diseases of some importance which have been recorded since the Third Supplement are Ustilago violaceae, Septoria passiflorae, shell-bark virus, citrus exocortis virus and citrus tristeza virus.

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