Parallel implementation of the cascade mass-conserving semi-Lagrangian transport scheme

Modern atmospheric models for climate simulations require accurate and efficient, locally mass-conservative and monotonic numerical schemes for treating the transport of atmospheric constituents. One of the ways to design such schemes is Finite-Volume Semi-Lagrangian approach (FVSL). FVSL schemes are characterised by the computational efficiency advantage due to the possibility of using large time-steps and efficient treatment of multiple transported quantities (tracers). This article presents massively parallel and multi-tracer efficient version of the recently developed 3D cascade FVSL transport scheme. Using hybrid distributed-shared memory parallelism with 1D MPI domain decomposition in latitude and OpenMP computations for longitude loops allows to use efficiently up to 1600 computational cores. We hope this number will grow with the future growth of the number of shared memory cores per computational node. Multi-tracer optimisations of the scheme (mostly, developing multi-tracer efficient monotonic filter) allow to reduce the cost of transporting additional tracer to 18–23% of running the scheme with one tracer.