Determination of the viscous and thermal characteristic lengths of plastic foams by ultrasonic measurements in helium and air

The acoustic wave most commonly transmitted and detected in the high-porosity absorbent materials used in noise control is generally the air-borne slow compressional wave. In a new experiment, the air saturating the sample is replaced by helium and the transmission is studied at ultrasonic frequencies (70–600 kHz). The experiment is quite easily performed using standard ultrasonics and vacuum equipment. The main purpose of this work is to propose a method to determine simultaneously both the viscous and thermal characteristic lengths with the same precision. These two parameters characterize the viscous and the thermal interactions between the frame and the fluid at high frequencies. The characteristic lengths are deduced from the high-frequency asymptotic behavior of either the velocity or the attenuation curves obtained in the sample saturated by air and by helium. It also appears that due to the properties of helium, the discrepancy previously observed between predictions and measurements is shifted toward higher frequencies.