There is a health disparity for both bacterial vaginosis (BV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1) infection in African American women that may be linked. The evidence that BV predisposes women to higher risk for HIV infection is well documented. The underlying mechanisms to support the epidemiological connections will require further investigations. This review explores the risk factors for BV disease with implications for HIV‐1 acquisition in the context of race as a potential driver of the 20‐fold increase in HIV‐1 acquisition for African American women compared to white women. Specifically, it explores (i) disparities for BV in African American women, (ii) racial disparity for HIV‐1 acquisition in African American women, (iii) common factors associated with BV and HIV acquisition in African American women, and (iv) potential mechanisms of the enhancement of HIV‐1 transmission by BV.
Funding Information
  • National Institutes of Health (U54MD007593, UL1TR000445)