Endogenous Gibberellins in Elongating Shoots of Clones of Salix dasyclados and Salix viminalis

Elongating shoots of rapidly growing clones of Salix viminalis L. (clone 683-4) and Salix dasyclados Wimm. (clone 908) harvested in early August were analyzed for endogenous gibberellins (GA). Distribution of GA-like activity, determined by Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice microdrop bioassay after reverse phase C18 high performance chromatography, was similar for both species. For S. dasyclados, combined gas chromatography-selected ion monotoring (GC-SIM) yielded identifications of GA1, GA8, GA19, GA20, and GA29. Identifications of GA4 and GA9 were also made using co-injections of known amounts of [17, 17-2H2]GAs. By bioassay, the main activity was GA19-like in both species. Gibberellin A1, GA19, and GA20 concentrations were approximated by GC-SIM using co-injections of known amounts of [17,17-2H2]GAs. Both bioassay and GC-SIM results indicated very high concentrations of GA19 and GA20 (about 6000 nanograms per kilogram fresh weight shoot tissue using GC-SIM: 800 ng using bioassay), compared to the concentration of GA1 (about 130 nanograms per kilogram fresh weight using either GC-SIM or bioassay).