Loss of The Normal NF1 Allele from the Bone Marrow of Children with Type 1 Neurofibromatosis and Malignant Myeloid Disorders

Children with type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF-1) are at increased risk for malignant myeloid disorders. Analysis of the NF-1 gene (NF1) suggests that the function of its product, neurofibromin, is reduced in affected persons and that NF1 belongs to the tumor-suppressor class of recessive cancer genes. This model is consistent with evidence that neurofibromin accelerates the intrinsic guanosine triphosphate-hydrolyzing activity of the Ras family of regulatory proteins. Loss of constitutional heterozygosity has not been reported in the benign tumors associated with NF-1, however, and has only been detected in a few malignant neural-crest tumors and in some tumor-derived cell lines.