Immersion in antibiotic solution prevents bacterial adhesion onto biodegradable prostatic stents

To determine whether immersion in antibiotic solution reduces or prevents bacterial adhesion onto biodegradable prostatic stents. Pre-cut segments of polyglycolic acid (PGA) and polylactic acid (PLA) prostatic stents were incubated with two common uropathogenic bacterial strains (Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli) with and without previous immersion in antibiotic solution. Tobramycin, ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin solutions were used, as these antibiotics are commonly administered for the prophylaxis and treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI). Immersion in ciprofloxacin solution prevented the adherence of both bacterial strains. Immersion in ceftriaxone solution prevented only the adherence of the E. coli strain. Immersion in tobramycin solution had no effect on either of the strains. The stent materials per se did not influence bacterial adhesion. After immersion in ciprofloxacin, the stent segments retained significant antibacterial activity even after one day's incubation in saline. Immersion in a suitable antibiotic solution may significantly reduce and even prevent bacterial adhesion onto biodegradable prostatic stents. Preventing bacterial adhesion may reduce the risk of UTI during the use of these devices.