Has the incidence of multiple myeloma in old age been underestimated?

All patients in the region with newly discovered M components were registered from 15 Aug. 1984-31 Dec. 1986. Among a total of 393 patients enrolled, 162 had multiple myeloma (MM). The incidence rate was 6.6 per 100,000 population per year (age-adjusted to the European standard population), which is somewhat higher than previous reports based on hospital and autopsy records. In particular, the incidence rate was higher in the greater than 70 age group. Thus, the median age was 72 yr, which is the highest reported. As many as 71 (44%) of the 162 MM patients were asymptomatic; these asymptomatic patients had the same age distribution as the symptomatic ones. The stage distribution, occurrence of risk factors, response to chemotherapy, response duration and survival were similar in the age groups below and above the median and, in multivariate survival analysis, age was not an independent risk factor.