Diagnosis and treatment planning are key factors in achieving successful outcomes after placing and restoring implants placed immediately after tooth extraction. The efficacy of immediate implant placement has been established and shown to be predictable if reasonable guidelines are followed. Some or all of the following suggestions, depending on individual circumstances, should be considered when evaluating a patient for dental implants: thorough medical and dental histories, clinical photographs, study casts, periapical and panogram radiographs as well as a linear tomography or computerised tomography of the proposed implant sites. Reasons for tooth extraction include but are not limited to: insufficient crown to root ratios, remaining root length, periodontal attachment levels, periodontal health of teeth adjacent to the proposed implant sites, unrestorable caries, root fractures with large endodontic posts, root resorption, teeth with deep furcation invasions being considered as abutments for fixed partial dentures and questionable teeth in need of endodontic retreatment.