The downfield proton NMR spectrum of aqueous uniformly nitrogen-15 enriched 5 S RNA fragment is presented. Selective nitrogen-15 decoupling difference proton spectroscopy revealed nitrogen-15 chemical shifts of fragment imino nitrogens. Nitrogen chemical shifts of nucleic acid guanine and uracil imino nitrogens have separate small ranges. Nitrogen-15 and proton chemical shift correlation by the heteronuclear decoupling permitted the identification of the base type of some previously unassigned imino proton resonances in the 5 S RNA fragment spectrum. Corresponding resonances in the natural isotopic abundance 5 S RNA fragment spectrum are assigned to base types by comparison with the enriched sample spectrum.5 S RNA fragmentProton NMRUniform 15N enrichmentHeteronuclear decouplingChemical shift correlationAssignment strateg

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