Maximal Exercise Tests in Children

Introduction While there has been considerable interest1-10in evaluating cardiovascular fitness and determining so-called Physical Working Capacity by methods utilizing submaximal work loads, it seemed that possibly a more sensitive differentiation between normal and abnormal responses might be realized at maximal or near maximal work loads. Accordingly, preliminary investigations were undertaken exploring practical methods for performing individualized maximal exercise studies in children under conditions of single-session testing. A striking finding has been the markedly similar pulse recovery curve of a widely varied group of children regardless of physical fitness and/or the presence of cardiovascular abnormalities. This and the intrinsic importance of the collected data prompt the present report. Subjects A total of 24 girls (6 trained athletes, 5 physically unfit "normals," and 13 with various cardiovascular abnormalities) and 77 boys (12 trained athletes, 32 normals, and 33 with various cardiac abnormalities) were studied during a 12-month period ending in

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