1. An air turbine ultracentrifuge suitable for biological work and capable of developing a centrifugal force from 10,000 to 500,000 times gravity has been described. Advantages of the ultracentrifuge are: (1) The temperature does not vary in the centrifuge chamber over 2 or 3 degrees from that of the atmosphere; this is not sufficient to be an important factor in general biological work. (2) The cost of constructing the apparatus is very low in comparison with that of other high speed centrifuges.2. A modification of the air turbine ultracentrifuge in which the turbine rotor drives a second rotor, in this case the centrifuge rotor which spins in a vacuum, has been described. Here the centrifuge chamber is thermally insulated which is an important item in preventing troublesome convection currents from arising in the centrifuged material where such special problems as the rate of molecular sedimentation are being observed. Forces in excess of one million times gravity can easily be obtained by such an apparatus.