This paper highlights the most critical aspects of the problem of predicting fertility. To determine if a laboratory test(s) is highly correlated with fertility it is essential to have: a) specific, precise and accurate laboratory tests, and b) precise and accurate fertility data. Acquisition of precise and accurate data for laboratory tests and fertility of spermatozoa in the same sample is not easy. Data derived from in vitro fertilization are not tests of fertility, because only a subset of the attributes important for fertilization in vivo are tested. Because of deficiencies in fertility data, there probably is no valid report for human spermatozoa correlating results of laboratory tests and fertility, and very few valid studies for laboratory or domesticated animals. There is little doubt that objective measures of sperm motion, acrosomal status, or other characteristics are significantly correlated with fertility. However, establishment of the correlations between a group of attributes and fertility is not the question of interest. The goal is prediction of fertility. There has been no recent effort to develop a prediction of fertility or fecundity based on sperm characteristics, and achievement of this goal may be elusive.