Prevalence of enterotoxigenicEscherichia coli strains in outbreaks and sporadic cases of diarrhoea in Spain

Escherichia coli strains isolated 1985–1988 in Spain from patients with diarrhoea were examined; 1170 strains were isolated from 582 sporadic cases of diarrhoea in children, and seven strains were associated with seven outbreaks of diarrhoea. Strains positive for STa enterotoxin production in the infant mouse test were also assayed for production of LT enterotoxin on Vero cells and by a coagglutination test. Thirty-one strains were STa positive: 28 were isolated from 16 (2.7 %) sporadic cases of diarrhoea and three were responsible for outbreaks. The majority of STa+LT strains from both outbreaks and sporadic cases were serotype O153.H45 and expressed the CFA/I colonization factor antigen. Enterotoxigenic STa+LT strains of serotype O27:H7 and STa+LT+ CFA/II+ strains of serotype O6:H15: H16 were also isolated frequently from sporadic cases.

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