The Basic Food Requirements of Several Insects

It is well known that insects, as a class, feed on an immense variety of different substances, and that each food has its specific insects. But it has never been explained whether, or to what extent, this relationship of insects and food is due to differences in the basic food requirements of different insects. In studying the dietetics of insects it was hoped to find an answer to the question: What determines the distribution of insects on different foods ? It was also hoped to gain more information about the requirements of insects for accessory food factors. The advantages in using insects for the identification and estimation of vitamins are obvious and have often been pointed out. The advantage in using for dietary studies insects which normally feed on flour-lies in the fact that the diet is. powdery and relatively dry. A diet, of the consistency of a powder is easy to prepare by mixing ground ingredients together. The normal water content of grain or flour is about 14 %. This minimizes the danger of contamination of experimental diets by micro-organisms. The following six different insect species which are known as widespread pests of flour were used : Tribolium ccmfusum Duv. Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera. Silvanas (Oryza ep hilus) surinamensis. Cucujidae, Coleoptera. Sitodrepa panicea L. Anobiidae, Coleoptera. Lasioderma serricome Fab. Anobiidae, Coleoptera. Ptinus tectus Boield. Ptinidae, Coleoptera. Ephestia kuehmella Zell. Phycitidae, Lepidoptera.