Reasons for Enrollment, the Informed Consent Process, and Trust Among Low‐Income Women Participating in a Community‐Based Participatory Research Study

Research is essential for guiding public health nursing practice with low-income and/or minority populations. Despite this, little is known about fundamental recruitment problems, the degree to which the informed consent process is comprehended, or how critical a role trust may play in conducting successful research with these groups. This article describes factors influencing recruitment of underrepresented groups, preferences for the informed consent process, and degree of trust participants extended to researchers. A descriptive survey was used in this community-based participatory research study with low-income women. The response rate was 58% (n=35 of 60 sample). The most compelling reason for enrolling was that the researchers recognized an unmet health need among the population (91%), followed by the opportunity to talk with other women in similar circumstances (74%), and the fact that nurses were conducting the study (57%). Comprehension of informed consent was high, most preferred a "group" consent process, and 100% trusted the researchers to follow procedures outlined in the informed consent document. Although findings support previous research regarding increased likelihood of enrollment when there is concordance between enrollees' goals and study topic, the establishment of trust between potential enrollees and researchers cannot be underestimated.