Localization and Excision of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions

• Three methods of excising nonpalpable breast lesions have been evaluated: (1) "blind" method, using mammographic coordinates; (2) preoperative localization with the Frank needle; and (3) Frank needle localization aided by a multiperforated compression plate. Successful removal at first attempt occurred in about 80% with any method. The size of the biopsy specimens did not differ significantly among the three groups and is most probably a function of the breast volume. The failure rate was seven (2.1%) of 332 biopsies. Since three of the six repeated biopsies yielded specimens with malignancy, the persistence of a radiographically suspicious lesion on follow-up mammogram of the operated-on breast is an urgent indication for reoperation. (Arch Surg 1987;122:802-806)