The GLC Separation of Hydroxyl-Substituted Amines of Biological Importance Including the Catecholamines. Preparation of Derivatives for Electron Capture Detection

The catecholamines and related biological amines have been converted to trimethylsilyl ether-amide derivatives through a two-step reaction sequence. All hydroxyl groups (phenolic and alcohol) were converted to TMSi ethers by reaction with TSIM. N-acylimidazole was added to the reaction mixture to effect the acylation of primary and secondary amines. TMSi-Ac (trimethylsilyl ether-acetyl) and TMSi-HFB (trimethylsilyl ether-heptafluorobutyryl) derivatives were studied. The HFB derivatives had excellent GLC properties. It is proposed to compare the sensitivity of detection of these and related compounds by flame ionization and by electron capture detection systems.