PDGF and neomycin induce similar changes in the actin cytoskeleton in human fibroblasts

The addition of platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF) to serum‐starved fibroblasts induces increased motility, formation of lamellipodia, increased ruffling activity, and actin ring structures associated with dorsal ruffles. Involvement of the phosphatidylinositol cycle (PI‐cycle) in these morphological changes was investigated by observing the effects of neomycin, an inhibitor of the PI‐cycle, on cultured human foreskin fibroblasts. The role of actin in the changes was investigated by using cytochalasin D (CD). Actin in detergent‐extracted cells was labelled with TRITC‐phalloidin and examined with fluorescence microscopy. Using PDGF and neomycin simultaneously potentiated lamellipodia formation, ruffling activity, as well as the number of cells with actin rings. Furthermore, neomycin by itself induced morphological changes similar to those induced by PDGF. Quantitation of actin rings showed dose and time dependency for PDGF and neomycin respectively, with a maximal number of cells containing rings after 15 min of exposure to either 3.5 mM neomycin or 10 ng PDGF/ml. Comparing the two substances, PDGF induced ring formation in a greater number of cells. These processes were inhibited by the presence of CD. PDGF‐ and neomycin‐induced changes in the actin cytoskeleton were also observed in human embryonic lung fibroblasts, human glial cells, and embryonic mouse fibroblasts, all of which are known to express PDGF‐receptors. In conclusion, the present study indicates that an increased turnover of the PI‐cycle is not essential for the changes in actin organization induced by PDGF.