Widespread potential for growth-factor-driven resistance to anticancer kinase inhibitors

The efficacy of kinase inhibitors in treating cancer is limited by drug resistance; here it is shown that most human tumour cells can develop drug resistance through being exposed to one or more receptor tyrosine kinase ligands. Targeted anticancer therapies are gaining ground in clinical applications as researchers begin to understand the genetic changes underlying tumorigenesis and the factors that determine an individual patient's response to a drug. However, resistance is a challenging problem in most clinical trials of targeted therapies. Two complementary papers show that the secretion of growth factors from the tumour microenvironment can cause resistance to a range of anticancer drugs, through their ability to drive tumour growth by activating redundant signalling pathways. Both papers provide evidence that stromal production of hepatocyte growth factor can confer resistance to a class of drugs called BRAF inhibitors, such as vemurafenib, in patients with melanoma, through activation of the MET signalling pathway. They show that a combination of BRAF and MET inhibitors can overcome resistance, suggesting that this combination should be tested in patients with melanoma. Mutationally activated kinases define a clinically validated class of targets for cancer drug therapy1. However, the efficacy of kinase inhibitors in patients whose tumours harbour such alleles is invariably limited by innate or acquired drug resistance2,3. The identification of resistance mechanisms has revealed a recurrent theme—the engagement of survival signals redundant to those transduced by the targeted kinase4. Cancer cells typically express multiple receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that mediate signals that converge on common critical downstream cell-survival effectors—most notably, phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)5. Consequently, an increase in RTK-ligand levels, through autocrine tumour-cell production, paracrine contribution from tumour stroma6 or systemic production, could confer resistance to inhibitors of an oncogenic kinase with a similar signalling output. Here, using a panel of kinase-‘addicted’ human cancer cell lines, we found that most cells can be rescued from drug sensitivity by simply exposing them to one or more RTK ligands. Among the findings with clinical implications was the observation that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) confers resistance to the BRAF inhibitor PLX4032 (vemurafenib) in BRAF-mutant melanoma cells. These observations highlight the extensive redundancy of RTK-transduced signalling in cancer cells and the potentially broad role of widely expressed RTK ligands in innate and acquired resistance to drugs targeting oncogenic kinases.