Zn65 Uptake by Rat Dorsolateral Prostate as Indicator of I.C.S.H. Activity.

Investigations were undertaken to determine which of the following measurements would be the most sensitive indicator of I.C.S.H. (interstitial cell stimulating hormone) activity in hypophysectomized rats, i.e., weight studies of ventral prostate and of dorsolateral prostate (DLP), or functional studies of capacity of DLP to concentrate administered Zn65. I.C.S.H. (0.2 mg daily) increased ventral prostate weight and DLP weight 2.3-fola and 2.7-fold, respectively, over hypophysectomized control values. Measurement of the functional capacity of DLP to concentrate Zn65 was a much more sensitive indicator of I.C.S.H. activity as indicated by the following: 0.2 mg I.C.S.H. increased Zn65 uptake/mg DLP 6.7-fold over the hypophysectomized control value, and increased total Zn65 taken up by the DLP 18.4-fold over the hypophysectomized control value.