Reconstruction of chronic insufficient anterior cruciate ligament in the knee using a synthetic Dacron prosthesis

In this study, a total of 57 patients with rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament and persistent functional in stability of the knee had their anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed with a Dacron prosthesis between No vember 1984 and February 1987. The patients, 43 males and 14 females with a mean age 26 years (range, 16 to 42), were followed for 2 to 4 years (mean, 34 months). In total, 30 patients had concomitant knee ligament or meniscal lesions. Postoperatively, the knee was not immobilized, but was actively trained in a cast brace. At followup, 54 of the patients were examined, and 71% had a good or excellent result according to the Lysholm score. The Tegner activity score improved in 33 patients and 15 achieved their preinjury sporting activity level. The instability, as measured by the ante rior drawer sign and the Lachman test, declined from 3.3 to 2.1. Ten prostheses had ruptured at a mean of 11 months (range, 3 to 21). One patient had a deep postoperative infection, another developed chronic syn ovitis, and one incurred reflex dystrophic changes.