Injuries in elite volleyball

During the 1993-1994 volleyball season, injuries to players in the two Danish elite divisions were registered by means of a questionnaire survey. Eighty per cent of the players returned the questionnaire. A total of 70 female players reported 79 injuries and 67 male players reported 98 injuries, representing an overall incidence of 3.8 injuries per player per 1000 volleyball hours played. The injury incidence was the same for female and male players. Most injuries occurred in spiking (32%) and in blocking (28%). The injuries were predominantly either acute injuries to fingers (21%) and ankles (18%) or overuse injuries to shoulders (15%) and knees (16%). Shoulder injuries seemed to be a more serious problem in females. During the past 10 years the rate of overuse injuries has increased from 16% to 47% in male elite volleyball, corresponding to a significant increase in the incidence of these injuries from 0.5 to 1.8 injuries per player per 1000 played hours (P < 0.001). A possible explanation for this could be a 50% increase in training activity during this period.

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