Bovine Oviductal Cannulations

Oviductal fluid was collected from 23 dairy cows following cannulation of the oviduct in 38 procedures utilizing silastic catheters. Standing laparotomy in the caudal abdomen enabled exteriorization of the ipsilateral ovary, oviduct, and uterine horn tip. A simple plastic device inserted through the ostium facilitated placement of an indwelling catheter. The exteriorized catheter connected to a collection device attached to the flank that provided ready access for harvesting fluids. Typical fluid volumes collected ranged from 0.1 to 3 mL per day depending on the estrus cycle stage. Patency varied from 2 to 156 days with an average duration of 68.2 days. Fluid flow ceased most commonly when a catheter was avulsed from the surgical site (58%) or became occluded with fibrin (14%). Slight modification of the stanchion housing has increased the longevity of the preparations.