An Unusual Causative Agent for an Orbital Abscess:Granulicatella Adiacens

We present a patient who developed an orbital abscess secondary to a retained organic (wooden) foreign body after a fall. Clinically, he had a right sub brow fistula exuding purulent discharge, four millimetres of proptosis, limitation of ocular motility in all directions of gaze, but no signs of optic neuropathy. Preoperative computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the orbits was performed to localise the abscess and to facilitate surgical planning. He underwent exploration, drainage of the abscess and removal of the wooden foreign body with good postoperative recovery. Cultures isolated Ganulicatella Adiacens, a nutritionally variant streptococcus. This is an unusual causative organism and to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a posttraumatic orbital abscess associated with Granulicatella Adiacens. Clinical suspicion, isolation of the organism and appropriate microbial treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, with input from the ophthalmologist, microbiologist and infectious disease team. This will ensure a good outcome in patient management.