In Vivo Indexes of Platelet and Vascular Function during Fish-Oil Administration in Patients with Atherosclerosis

Populations that consume a diet rich in marine lipids may have a lower risk of atherosclerotic disease. Fish oil contains the N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoate, and the biosynthesis of thromboxanes and prostacyclins from eicosapentaenoate (thromboxane A3 and prostaglandin l3), rather than from the usual precursor arachidonate (thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin l2), may help to reduce the risk. To examine this hypothesis, we studied the effect of eicosapentaenoate supplementation (10 g per day) for one month on the synthesis of thromboxanes and prostacyclins, as assessed by urinary metabolite excretion, in six patients with peripheral vascular disease and seven normal controls.