Polarization of photon echoes from SF6molecules

We measured the polarization of the photon echo which was stimulated in a gas of SF6 molecules by either linear-linear, circular-linear, or linear-circular pulse sequences from the P(14), P(16), P(18), P(20), P(22), and P(24) CO2 laser lines near 10.4 μm. For P(16) a linear-linear pulse sequence with angle β between the linearly polarized pulses produced a linearly polarized echo at angle ϕ with the second pulse, and ϕ rotated in the same sense as β; a left-circular-linear sequence produced an echo with right elliptic polarization, and a linear-left-circular sequence produced an echo with left-circular polarization. For all other lines a linear-linear sequence produced an echo polarized along the second pulse, and results were similar to the measurement of Gordon et al. on P(20). For P(14), P(18), and P(20) a circular-linear sequence produced an echo linearly polarized along the second pulse. For P(14) through P(20) a linear-left-circular sequence produced a left-circular echo. A theory is developed for these pulse sequences for arbitrary values of angular momentum Ja, and a simplification found for large Ja. For laser radiation in direction Y and the linear polarization of the second pulse along Z, the polarization vector for a linear-linear sequence is approximately (12)X^sinβ+Z^cosβ, and for a left-circular-linear sequence ±(i2)X^+Z^, where the upper sign refers to Ja=Jb±1 or the P and R branches and the lower sign to Ja=Jb or Q branch. For a linear-left-circular sequence the echo is left circular for Ja=Jb,

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