Effect of Woods-Saxon Wave Functions on the Calculation ofA=18, 206, 210Spectra with a Realistic Interaction

The spectra of the nuclei O18, F18, Pb206, Pb210 are calculated using realistic forces and a Woods-Saxon form for the shell-model average field. The substitution of Woods-Saxon for harmonic-oscillator single-particle wave functions leads to appreciable upward shifts in the calculated positions for many low-lying levels in the A=18 nuclei. In particular the T=0, J=1+ and T=1, J=0+ binding energies are decreased by 0.6-1.7 MeV. In the heavier nuclei, one finds significant changes in observed energy levels perhaps only for the ground states. Nevertheless, the introduction of the more realistic single-particle average field in the Pb isotopes and in neighboring nuclei permits one to improve the conceptual basis upon which this field is erected.