Phase Separation inHe3-He4Mixtures near Absolute Zero

Phase separation in liquid mixtures of He3 and He4 at temperatures close to 0°K is discussed on the basis of the isotopic impurity models of Pomeranchuk and Zharkov and Silin. It is predicted that for He3-rich mixtures the phase separation line is asymptotic to the temperature axis as T0, so that phase separation should occur in extremely dilute solutions of He4 in He3 at relatively high temperatures. For example, 0.003% of He4 in liquid He3 should begin to separate at about 0.1°K. The phase separation curve for He4-rich mixtures near 0°K is difficult to predict with the data available at present. One possibility is that dilute solutions of He3 in He4 may be stable at 0°K.