Baseline HIV drug resistance profile predicts response to ritonavir-saquinavir protease inhibitor therapy in a community setting

To determine whether baseline drug resistance assays could help to predict treatment failure with the protease inhibitor combination ritonavir-saquinavir. Baseline HIV-1 drug resistance was determined for 76 consecutive patients who started treatment with the dual protease inhibitor combination ritonavir-saquinavir between September 1996 and June 1997 either alone or in combination with other antiviral agents. Resistance to 10 different antiviral agents was assessed by both phenotype (Virco Antivirogram) and genotype (Vircogen). Resistance inferred from viral genotype was similar to measured phenotypic resistance for both ritonavir and saquinavir (P0.8 log10 for those with sensitive virus. Patients resistant to both drugs never achieved plasma viral loads <100000 copies/ml. As little as fourfold increases in baseline resistance appeared to be sufficient to compromise even dual protease inhibitor therapy. Baseline resistance to ritonavir or saquinavir or both was associated with a poor antiviral response. Our data suggest that the measurement of drug resistance may assist in optimizing antiretroviral therapy in the clinic.