Therapeutic Value of Thioproperazine and the Importance of the Associated Neurological Disturbances

Clinical trials of thioproperazine (7843 R.P.; “Majeptil”) 2-dimethyl-sulphamoyl-10-(3-4′-methy1-1′-piperazinylpropyl) phenothiazine methanesulphonate, carried out in France by Delay, Deniker et al. (1959b); Perrin, Lambert et al. (1958); Coirault et al. (1959); and in America by Denber et al. (1959, 1960), have shown that it is a highly effective agent in the treatment of schizophrenia and acute mania. To examine the claims made for the drug's value in deteriorated or vegetative schizophrenics, and in other cases that have resisted chemotherapy, a trial was undertaken in this country.