The influence of food on the absorption of diclofenac after single and multiple oral doses

A single dose of enteric-coated diclofenac sodium was taken fasting and immediately after a standard breakfast by twelve healthy volunteers. A considerable delay in the onset of absorption was observed, non-fasting, varying from 2.5 to 12 h compared with 1.5 to 2.75 h when fasting. Peak plasma concentrations were reduced after food but areas under plasma concentration-time curves were comparable. Six subjects then took part in a study involving single and repeated dosing under fasting and non-fasting conditions. As before, prolonged and variable delays were observed when the enteric-coated tablets were taken after food. On repeated dosing, maximum plasma concentrations were reached after 6 h non-fasting compared with 2.5 h fasting. Peak plasma levels were, however, similar.