An Analysis of Biomedical Waste Incineration

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) completed a series of source tests of eight operating biomedical waste incinerators (BMWI) under conditions of typical operation. The emissions of certain metals, and chlorinated dioxins and furans in the flue gases of BMWI are relatively high in comparison to emissions from other combustion sources, such as hazardous waste or municipal waste incinerators of modern design. This study reports on an analysis of the status of the existing regulatory framework and the California data base. Clarification of definitional issues at the federal level is needed to effectively treat BMWI management issues. Although few relationships among combustion parameters and emissions were uncovered, patterns of emissions were evident, suggesting commonality and relationships among the waste stream constituents and emissions. Potential implications for future research, operation of BMWI, controls and source reduction and waste segregation strategies are also discussed.